Monday, May 26, 2014

CenturyLink Practicum Presentation

Three students from the MSA class of 2013-2014 worked together on their practicum project for CenturyLink.  They presented their findings to upper management at the end of April.  The scope of their practicum revolved around increasing the effectiveness of the "save" desk.  Their objective was to reduce losses from customer churn.  The students worked throughout the 2 semesters on cleaning and organizing their data set, preparing several models for analysis and producing viable options to help the company increase its customer retention.

CENTURYLINK- "I was very impressed with the students understanding of the concepts and their ability to work on project teams"


Monday, May 19, 2014

MSA - BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD Practicum Presentation

BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD - Practicum Presentation
This practicum presentation involving healthcare analytics was designed to identify high cost providers and the variables associated with high health care costs.  The 3 students worked as a team becoming familiar with the medical terminology and coding, mining the data for relevant pieces of information and identifying ways to implement cost saving opportunities.
The response to the presentation by the management team of Blue Cross Blue Shield was, "Excellent job....the team identified potential variations in care with appropriate rigor and assumptions."


The 2 students who worked with Associated Grocers for their practicum project presented a summary analysis of their findings on April 24, 2014 to several members of the AG Executive team.  This team based project evolved over the course of 2 semesters involving clarification of the business problem, cleaning and organizing the data, and coming up with a viable solution to help improve Associated Grocer's freight charge discount policy.

A top member of the Associated Grocer team said, "The quality of work was excellent.  The presentation hit on several key issues that directly affect our business."  The culmination of the student's analysis may possibly lead to a new freight charge policy being implemented soon.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

MSA - ALL STAR AUTOMOTIVE Practicum Presentation

During the third week of April, a group of 3 students within the MSA program at LSU presented their final practicum projects to the corporate representatives of the All Star Automotive Group.

The practicum project is team-based in which the students work with leading organizations to solve real analytical problems.  The teams work throughout the semester to understand the business problem, clean the database given to them, analyze the data and present a recommendation or solution to the company for implementation.

ALL STAR AUTOMOTIVE - The students in this group worked with members of the All Star Group to reduce churn of their maintenance customers. 

"Very detailed and excellent analysis - Great Job!" commented one representative of the company.


All Star Automotive executives review recommendations